Research Help Needed
Dear Colleagues,
I am writing on behalf of an undergraduate in my department who is writing an honors thesis in communication. Her topic, nonverbal behavior during competition, is really quite interesting, but she's a bit stuck. In addition to racking my brains, I thought I'd ask you all for help.
Below I'm copying her abstract (this project began in my nonverbal comm class last year). When she did the project for a course, it was relatively atheoretical...just something she needed to do in order to systematically observe the nonverbal situation of her choice. Her problem now is turning it into a theoretically robust thesis...rather than a one-semester paper. If you read it and immediately think of something that Michelle should read, could you please respond to me: Thanks!
Here's the abstract:
As an athlete, I have always enjoyed the sweet taste of victory and unfortunately discovered the agony of defeat. These emotions often show through the nonverbal behaviors of athletes during competition. In conducting this research, I seek to answer the following question: What are the similarties and differences in touch and body movement among competing athletic teams? I chose to observe the nonverbal behaviors (touch and body movements) between two field hockey teams - the one which scored a goal and the other which was scored against - as recorded on video camera during a variety of games. The chosen clips focus on the first six seconds immediately following a goal. The six second clips were then broken down into two time stamps - score to two seconds and three to six seconds. With this information, I created a spreadsheet to record the nonverbal behaviors. Various nonverbal similaries and difference are found between teams who scored and teams who were scored against. These findings show how both haptics and kinesics communicate different messages in various situations.