A couple of things as we get ready for Christmas (only a week away!):
1. From Michael Pfahl at Ohio University--
A colleague and I are searching for scholars with an interest in motorsport. We are hoping to put together an event or conference and wish to reach out to anyone who conducts research in this area. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please let me know--pfahl@ohio.edu
Dr. Michael E. Pfahl
Assistant Professor, Sport Management
Grover E176
School of Recreation and Sport Sciences
Ohio University
Athens, Ohio 45701 U.S.A.740-597-3108
2. An update on the previously-mentioned BPSA Conference in Scotland--
As a result of numerous requests and interest in the conference, we have agreed to a second deadline for abstracts. Abstracts must now be submitted electronically to BPSA Vice-Chair Dr Andrew Edgar <
edgar@cardiff.ac.uk> by Friday 23 January 2009.
Conference details, including information on abstract submission, are available.
We are pleased to announce that Professor David Carr has agreed to deliver the opening keynote address. David is Professor of Philosophy of Education at the University of Edinburgh. He is author of Educating the Virtues (1991), Professionalism and Ethics in Teaching (2000) and Making Sense of Education (2003), as well as of many philosophical and educational papers. He is also editor of Education, Knowledge and Truth (1998), co-editor (with Jan Steutel) of Virtue Ethics and Moral Education (1999), and (with John Haldane) of Spirituality, Philosophy
and Education (2003). Further news is that Louise Martin CBE has agreed to formally open the conference. Louise is Chair of sportscotland, and led the successful bid to bring the 2014 Commonwealth Games to Glasgow.
Please visit the
link for further conference information.
Professor Steve Olivier
Head of the School of Social and Health Sciences University of Abertay
Dundee Bell Street, Dundee