Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Special Issue of EJC

The Electronic Journal of Communication is publishing a special edition dedicated to "new directions in communication and sport." Editor Jeff Kassing of Arizona State says the purpose of the special issue is to "do some reflection on where we've been and where we could/should head with regard to particular research agenda or understudied areas." The complete call is listed below, along with Jeff's contact information. Please be advised the deadline for paper submission is September 1.
The past few years have seen the proliferation of communication and sport research within the discipline evidenced by numerous publications, conferences, and special journal issues. Following in that tradition The Electronic Journal of Communication announces a special issue focusing on New Directions in Communication and Sport in 2009 (Volume 19). The intention of this special issue is to assess where communication and sport research currently exists, and to forecast the areas of research that will merit additional and future attention from communication scholars. Thus, the special issue will be comprised of essays that review particular topics or issues pertaining to communication and sport which remain underexplored (e.g., doping in sport, collegiate recruiting practices, use of web blogs by fans and athletes). Authors are invited to submit essays that present a thoughtful review and critique of appropriate literature in the area of interest coupled with a thorough treatment of possible future directions in terms of communication theory and research. Potential contributors should raise issues that traverse the traditional disciplinary boundaries of interpersonal, health, organizational, intercultural, mediated, technological, political, and rhetorical communication.

To facilitate blind review all documents must strike any identifying aspects. Authors must mask references to their own works within the text. The title page should be submitted as a separate word document, and should include:
(a) the title of the paper;
(b) name, position, institutional affiliation, address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address for all authors;
(c) any acknowledgments about the history of the manuscript (e.g., whether it has been presented at a conference or is derived from a thesis or dissertation);
(d) a list of key words for indexing;
(e) and an approximate word count.

On the first page of the manuscript authors should provide the title of the paper and an abstract of up to 200 words. Manuscripts should not exceed 5000 words. Submissions must conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition).

Submissions must be received via email by September 1st, 2008. If electronic submission poses a hardship, please contact the editor (Jeff Kassing) by email (jkassing@asu.edu) or by phone (602-543-6631) to arrange an alternative submission format. If necessary contact the editor for more information about the special issue or this call.


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