Thursday, September 10, 2009

Couple of notes about the Journal of Sport Administration & Supervision...

JSAS will publish its second issue next April, and the deadline for submission is October 15. There's more information on the submission process here.

Perhaps more interesting, JSAS now has its own Twitter site (@JSASonline). Primarily, the value of Twitter is in breaking news and quickly getting out information. It will be interesting to see how many "tweets" JSAS will have on a regular basis. As a journal editor, I can tell you things move somewhat slowly in this field and I'm not sure there's enough information out there to keep people interested. (But that certainly hasn't stopped anyone else on Twitter). So far, a lot of it looks like what you see elsewhere on Twitter--people publishing links to items on other media platforms. It appears that there are a lot of people tweeting, but at first glance it doens't look much different from the Twitter stuff that's already out there.

But, the journal editors say they have positive feedback from users and the site also is having its "intended effect of broadened exposure for our authors' research." It's a noteworthy step in the journal publishing field and it will be interesting to see how it turns out.


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